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Book 13: 1634 - Return to the New World

The Latest!
So now it's time to begin discussion of Book 13. I know a lot of you have read it and many have had questions. As always I will spend the next several Blogs discussing this work. HANG ON! Here is the trailer.


Upper North America, 1628: Françoise Grenier’s life had been a combination of bad circumstances, worse luck and even poorer choices. Orphaned near Paris at the age of twelve, she became a street urchin. At fifteen she fell in with an older man who convinced her to follow him to the new world of Québec where he would marry her. Instead he abused her. Only when he failed to return from trading with the natives and she heard they had killed him, did she find herself liberated.
Taken in by the few women of Québec, she was just recovering when English privateers captured the failing colony, sending its few inhabitants, including Françoise, back to France. One of the ladies gave her a letter to deliver in France which led her to a new life, allowing her to return to help rebuild the colony five years later. It was here she prospered, beginning one of the early prominent families of Canada, helping to forge a great nation from the frozen wilderness.
If you enjoyed Fearful Passage North, The Allards Series, and the author’s ability to bring history to life, you will love this one. Read More 
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Flag raising Iwo Jima
Book Eight: The Great War: Did WWII end the depression or did the depression cause the war. I don’t know the answer, but a recent trip to Germany and a special tour of WWII Nuremburg, including Hitler’s rallies and the famous trial, was an eye opener even for students of history. Sadly I could not help seeing some of the same geo-political dynamics we seem to be seeing today. At any rate, book eight follows the citizens of Detroit through this terrible period of history ending with the advent of Detroit into its golden age as well as the end of the Allard series. Next week we will take a long journey back in time to very early French Canada and my current release 1634 – RETURN TO THE NEW WORLD. See you then. Read More 
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Somethings are still good

Today I thought I would take a break from the Allards to blog something personal for a change. With all the hate and nastiness going on in the country, the world and our current politics, I decided to blog something pleasant. I was thrilled this week to see the Nobel Prize for Literature go to one of my favorite authors and artists, Bob Dylan. In the early 60's I entered the University of Michigan. My parents dropped me off at the dorm where I knew no one, so I wandered across the hall where a young man from Boston (big Boston accent) was playing a guitar. I asked him what he was playing and he replied, "Dylan". He proceeded to tell me of the wonders of this young artist who became and remains my favorite to this day. Maybe all can still be right with the world. I'll return to THE ALLARDS next week. Read More 
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The Great Depression

Soup Line
Book Eight: The great depression: In the early days of prohibition, industry and finance did well, much of it fueled by the advent of the auto industry as well as the booming stock market. In Detroit, the automobile industry flourished as Americans flush with cash flocked to purchase this new and wonderful invention. With this booming market came prosperity for Detroit. Unfortunately the stock market crashed abruptly in 1929 and over the next few years, those wonderful jobs disappeared and the Detroit auto workers, who had once been flush with cash and over spending, were suddenly poor. Read More 
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