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More Filles de Roi

Church of Artannes home of Jeanne Anquille
April 28, 2018
Jeanne Anguille: I often find the women in the Allard Series to be the most fascinating characters, and Jeanne is certainly an example. (Therese Allard in Book Six: The Medallion is my favorite but more on her some other day.)
Research reveals a wealth of information concerning Jeanne which presents a number of quandaries for the genealogist but fertile ground for the novelist: She came to Quebec in 1671 as a Fille de Roi (FdR), the FdR records hint who else may have come on the same voyage. She did not stay at one of the FdR housing units but under the protection of Lady Anne Gagnier. She came with a dowry, and was 24 years old (old for a FdR). She married Francois Allard in November of 1671. Read More 
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Marguerite Bourgeoys - and Les Filles du roi

Les Filles du roi
Les Filles du Roi: The King’s Daughter’s or Girls are possibly the most interesting group of souls to ever cross the Atlantic to the New World. In response to Quebec’s lack of marriageable women, King Louis XIV arranged for approximately 750 marriageable women to be sent to New France between 1663 and 1673. Chosen and endorsed by the local parish priest, these women (most between 12 and 25 years) came from a cross section of French society ranging from destitute orphans to children of privilege. Each came with the recommendation of the priest, some essentials provided by the crown and whatever items their family could spare—from sizeable dowries to nothing at all.
After braving the adventure at sea, they were housed in dormitories (Maison Saint- Gabriel in Montreal is a worthwhile visit.) They attended meetings at the convent where marriageable men would come to visit. If a suitable match was found, a contract was made by the Notary (attorneys were forbidden in Quebec). These contracts along with their information from home provided the girls with a documented history still available and unrivaled in New World immigration records. There are several good references available. I found King’s Daughters and Founding Mothers by Peter J. Gagné most helpful. Read More 
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Marguerite Bourgeoys - In Canada

The Allards Book One: The New World
April 7, 2018
More Marguerite
Once her school was running, Marguerite made her first trip back to France to begin Les filles du roi, or the King’s daughters, girls sent to Canada with the aid of the King to provide more women and mothers for the new colony (at this time mainly male). It has been said these girls were poor and orphaned, but closer scrutiny shows they came from all walks of life including several young ladies of means with education. At any rate, this group did become the Mothers of Canada, and most French Canadians can trace their heritage to one, or many of these ladies. They make their first showing in The Beaver Wars but much more can be found in my first novel THE ALLARDS BOOK ONE, THE NEW WORLD. (more about this next week). Read More 
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Marguerite goes to Canada

Marguerite's home in Canada
April 1, 2018
More Marguerite
Marguerite agreed to follow Maisonneuve to the new world and departed Troyes in February, 1653 arriving in Montreal in November. It is said one of her first tasks was restoring a cross on Mont Royal which had been burned by the natives. She met the wealthy Jeanne Mance and began the construction of the Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bon Secours. She received a stable from Maisonneuve where she opened the first public school in Montreal. More next week. Read More 
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