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Françoise’s Ordeal

Nursing Nuns arrive in Quebec
July 7, 2017: Françoise Ordeal. With the help and care of Françoise’s Indian friend along with Sister Marie-Forestier, a French Augustinian nursing nun who Françoise befriended when the first nuns arrived in Québec, she begins to improve with the use of poultices, wound lancing and potions. She has no memory of the attack, but learns there were other similar problems nearby. Read More 
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Nuns Arrive

Nuns arrive in Canada
1634-Return to the New World: More nun tales.
Included in the few Nuns who come to the new world are a few ladies who will become icons of Canada. Marie Guyart, known as Marie de l’Incarnation became head of the Ursuline Convent. Françoise Langlois helped her learn the ways of Canada and its natives, taking her on a voyage to stay in an Algonquin camp. Sister Marie Forestier was one of the three Augustinian Nursing nuns. Françoise takes her on a trip to an Algonquin camp where they arrive just following a brutal Iroquois raid, requiring the young nursing sister to use her novice skills to treat and save a number of braves as Françoise and these two French sisters become best friends. Read More 
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Bring in the Nuns

Nuns come to Quebec
1634-Return to the New World: Bring in the Nuns:
The religious needs of Quebec had been handled since the beginning by Priests and Brothers mainly Jesuits, unlike the rest of the Catholic world, Nuns were absent. Not until July, 1639 did the ship Saint-Joseph arrive with the first religieuse in Canada. Two groups stepped off onto North American soil: Three Augustinian nuns in their gray habits to run the hospital, and three black habit-wearing Ursulines to teach. As anyone who has attended Catholic school will know, Canada would never again be the same. Read More 
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