On a bright summer day in 1689, an eleven year-old boy and his native friend happen upon an Iroquois raiding party. Through ingenuity, knowledge of the wilderness and dumb luck, Jean-Baptiste Allard and his friend, Joseph, help foil the raid and save their small village in rural Quebec from disaster. Some years later, an unscrupulous explorer, Antoine Cadillac, hears their story and enlists the young men to aid him in his exploits into the western frontier.
Together in Book Two: The Hunter they endure the hardships of the wilderness while sharing the exhilaration of exploration and discovery. As they help found such posts as Detroit, Michilimackinac, and New Orleans, they meet the famous and the unknown who will accompany them and their descendants as the Allard Saga continues. Read More
On a bright summer day in 1689, an eleven year-old boy and his native friend happen upon an Iroquois raiding party. Through ingenuity, knowledge of the wilderness and dumb luck, Jean-Baptiste Allard and his friend, Joseph, help foil the raid and save their small village in rural Quebec from disaster. Some years later, an unscrupulous explorer, Antoine Cadillac, hears their story and enlists the young men to aid him in his exploits into the western frontier.
Together in Book Two: The Hunter they endure the hardships of the wilderness while sharing the exhilaration of exploration and discovery. As they help found such posts as Detroit, Michilimackinac, and New Orleans, they meet the famous and the unknown who will accompany them and their descendants as the Allard Saga continues. Read More